Home improvement or construction contract

Service Provider Entity

Where will the services be performed? Please enter the postal code. this will determine which state's laws will govern this contract.

Service Provider Information Enter the name and contact information of the company that will provide construction services. Please include the name of a representative who will sign on behalf of the company. A business title is recommended.

Type of Job to be performed To ensure that our contracts cover all the necessary details for various types of jobs, we include specific clauses tailored to each job type. Therefore, it's essential for us to know the type of job you're undertaking.

Scope of Work 1st Millstone Please enter the scope of work, it can be high level or incomplete at this stage but we recommend going into specific details before signoff

Payment Amount 1st Milestone Please enter payment associated with the 1st milestone

Select how you want to pay

When do you want to start?

Enter the location of your job

Enter Your Email

By entering your email you agree to receive and email from Build-Wiz. We won't use your email for any other purpose.

Review Section

Service Provider Entity


Where will the services be performed?


Service Provider Information


Type of Job to be performed


Scope of Work 1st Millstone


Payment Amount 1st Milestone


Select how you want to pay
