Landscaping - New Or Remodeling

Do you have a design in mind? We encourage you to post the bid once you have a good idea of what you want to build. contractors aren't designers, even though some of them are good at it

Synthetic Grass / Artificial Lawn / Artificial Turf Please describe if you want any Synthetic grass installed, and square footage of it

Plant Trees? Please describe how many and what type of trees you'd want to plant

Plant bushes and seasonal plants? Please describe how many and what type of plants you'd want to plant

Build Irrigation System? Please describe the irrigation system you'd like to build, would you need an irrigation timer, is it across your front and back yard? do you have existing wires?

When do you want to start?

Enter the location of your job

Enter Your Email

By entering your email you agree to receive and email from Build-Wiz. We won't use your email for any other purpose.

Review Section

Do you have a design in mind?


Synthetic Grass / Artificial Lawn / Artificial Turf


Plant Trees?


Plant bushes and seasonal plants?


Build Irrigation System?
